Friday, February 9, 2018

Five on Friday

Phew! It's been a hot minute since I've been able to find time to post a FoF and I'm glad to be back!!

I have to share my new favorite pair of shoes with y'all - I feel like they're a hidden gem. I was dying for a pair of J Crew Factory leopard loafers for Christmas but of course, they sold out so my hunt started and I decided to take a chance and ask for these loafers online. I got them in and I have to say I've been so impressed! They are comfortable, I didn't have any painful break in period and I get so many compliments on them. Definitely worth the $45 :)

Oh my gosh, I'm assuming everyone's seen the Super Bowl This Is Us episode... I literally bawled the entire episode. Y'all it was the roughest episode yet although, it did feel good to get a good cry out lol

Krista recently did an ultimate work pants guide which was so helpful and informative! If you work in a business dress office, you should definitely check out her post.

Um, was I the only loser who fell for the stupid Australia add during the Super Bowl? I had been seeing the "movie" add on Instagram and thought it was a legit movie... I was crushed when I found out it was just an add for Australia. I definitely think they should make a real movie out of it though - it would be hysterical!

I'm so excited because our sweet friends surprised us with a Date Box and we're getting it this week! Can't wait to see what's inside and how it works. I definitely need to get better with remembering things like this for gift ideas.


  1. Those shoes are super cute! I have been wanting a pair like that for a long time, too, so I'll definitely check those out. :) Happy Friday, friend!

  2. Loved that work pants review! I'm going to check out the ones at Old Navy the next time I'm near one. What a fun gift idea the date box was!

  3. Those loafers are super cute!! I have heard SO much about This Is Us, I need to start watching it!

  4. That's so fun you are getting a date box! We have gotten one of those before and it was super fun to do together!

    1. I'm glad to hear that!! We got it last night and can't wait to do our "date" :)
