Wednesday, February 14, 2018

First Trimester Update

Now that we've officially hit 12 weeks, I am so relieved to have a healthy baby report and be able to announce to everyone. Towards the last couple of weeks, it was getting really hard to hide it at work and I'm definitely going to be interested to see who noticed and just didn't say anything ;) I honestly doubt I'll do an update every week but I definitely wanted to cover the first trimester.

How Far Along
12 Weeks

Size of Baby
A plum ~2"

Not yet

I definitely didn't have morning sickness but I did have afternoon-night sickness. The more tired I am, the worse I feel. I basically snack all day long so that I can keep it at bay as much as possible then come home and just try to maintain it as best I can. Thankfully, I haven't actually gotten sick (if you know me, so thankful!) but I do feel awful. I am ready for this stage to be over with.

Also, definitely experiencing the typical pregnancy exhaustion. I head to bed around 8:30/9 every night but I feel great in the morning which has been super helpful.

Some nights have been amazing when I sleep all night minus the 2 bathroom breaks but then some nights I toss and turn all night. I've also woken up a few times at 4:00am and can't go back to sleep so that's fun. Still trying to decide if it's worth investing in a pregnancy pillow.

We find out this weekend!!! So stinking excited! Stephen and I were set on it being a boy earlier in the pregnancy but now we are set on a girl so it really will be a surprise!

Weight Gain
Um.. more than I was hoping to at this point - all this constant snacking is adding up. Also, not eating the most healthy constantly because I'm just eating what I feel like for dinner. Anything to combat the nausea. 

Not anything too crazy although, I had a strong aversion to pulled pork I made the other night. I've been loving fruit and fruit pops at night. Super miss sushi.

He is so excited and such a good help! He is doing such a great job keeping me level and getting me excited. 

I haven't put too much thought into it since we don't know the gender but once we find out, game on! We need to start emptying my office, which will be the nursery, and combining it with Stephen's room.

Best Part of the Week
At our 12 week appt., we were supposed to just hear the heartbeat but the Dr. couldn't find it so we were squeezed into an urgent ultrasound. Baby H was just hanging out and wanted to get a little photoshoot. We were so thrilled to see it was healthy and had a very strong heartbeat :) 

My mom and sister also came in for a fun girls weekend where we went to the spa and beach. We also announced the pregnancy on social media which was super exciting and we felt so much love for Baby H.

Looking Forward To
The gender reveal!!!!!!!!! 


  1. OH MY WORD you are so cute - pregnancy looks fabulous on you (despite the sickness) Are you sharing the gender bc I'm already dying to know!!

  2. You are so cute! My first trimester was very similar .. the overall sick feeling does get MUCH better but the going to bed early each night hasn't changed, haha. Enjoy every minute! So excited for y'all!

  3. Eeeeek I'm guessing girl!! You look great!

  4. You are so cute! I'm going to say girl, too, but of course I'm always Team Boy with my two goofy little guys! ;) Can't wait to hear!

  5. I love love love these kinda updates, and it will be so fun for you and Stephen to look back on in the future! I am going to guess girl! I can't wait to hear!!!! And you look great!!!!!! I AM JUST SO HAPPY FOR Y'ALL!!!!!

  6. Congrats!!! I am so jealous that it is warm enough in Florida to be wearing shorts!!!!
