Friday, August 18, 2017

Four on Friday

We made it to another Friday!! This week was fairly busy so we're ready for a weekend with no plans :) Monday, I had an all day meeting at a different office location followed with dinner with a friend and Stephen's dealing with an early launch this morning so his schedule has been all messed up.

One!! I just saw the sneak peeks for season 2 of some of my favorite shows! The Crown comes back in December (boo it's so far away) so you can bet after Christmas, Stephen and I will be binge watching!

It took me a few episodes to get into Victoria but towards the end, we loved the show. Season 2 looks like it's going to be even better! I love Victoria and Alberts love story and I can't wait to watch it again this fall.

I saw the This is Us Season 2 "trailer" as well and even though it didn't have anything to do with season 2 it was super sweet and definitely makes me excited for season 2! This one I definitely watch alone so Stephen doesn't think I'm nuts for all the crying ;)

I was super excited to do my first barre class this week! One of my friends invited me to go with her at a gym down the street (not a Pure Barre location) and we had so much fun! I miss the gym classes so much... I'm hoping I can convince Stephen for a membership once we have a baby so I can get back into shape ;) But the class was amazing and I was really happy I was able to keep up - I'm definitely feeling it though lol

Bachelor in Paradise is back and while I won't be watching the show, I do love me some Baby Bachelor in Paradise! This mini spin-off is a scream

One of my favorite pastors just started a sermon series on marriage. I listened to his first sermon yesterday on the way to work and really enjoyed it. Thought I'd share it here if anyone wants to listen too :)

I'm going to call it a day right here - I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


  1. I cannot WAIT for Seasons 2 of "The Crown," "Victoria," and "This is Us!" Three of my most favorite shows ever!!!

  2. Our week has been super off too! I'm ready for the weekend to reset. I started The Crown but haven't finished it yet. I need to add Victoria to my list too! I love historical shows. We watch This Is Us but I just don't love it as much as everyone else does. Barre is amazing!! I did it before our wedding and it's amazing how much it tones you. I'd love to do it again but it's so pricey! Happy weekend!
