Friday, September 2, 2016

Five on Friday

It's been quite some time since I did a Five on Friday and it feels good to be back!! It's been very exciting around here so let's get to it!

I cannot believe it's officially September and therefore, officially fall! I couldn't be more excited for fall to finally be here! Now let's be real, it won't get cool until January but we have some weekend trips to "fallish" places and I just love all things fall! Since we're going to be pretty busy this weekend, I'll probably decorate the house next weekend...nothing like decorating in early September and it's 90 degrees outside ;)

I've been wanting to add a chair to one of the corners of our living room for a while and on Wednesday, I ran into Homegoods in between rain bands after work and found the perfect chair. I was a little worried it was going to be a little too short and wide but I think it fits amazingly! I'm so excited I was able to find something so quickly in the store and I think it makes the room so cozy and complete :)

Ignore the mess in the right corner - I just threw our workout gear over there to move the chair in

While waiting at Homegoods for Stephen to measure the space at home, I wandered over to the baby section and was able to find some amazing baby items for friends and family for cheap! I couldn't believe the amount of books that they had! My SIL always said they have the best stuff and she wasn't kidding.

I was also able to snag like 8 picture frames for pictures from our CO trip. I'm so excited about them and can't wait to get them filled! Now I do have a question for y'all - are there any good and cheap picture printer companies out there other than just using our local Walgreens? I've had some problems the last few times I've used Walgreens and that makes me nervous when I'm about to print a handful of bigger photos.

After coming back to work on Monday, I was greeted by a giant "figure" of my boss. He was off at a conference the week before and one day before work, a few guys put this together. It was a riot and everyone was taking pictures with it. Since it stood taller than the cubicle walls, you could see it all the way down the hall and it was a little creepy.. it's since been taken down but the picture of his head is taped inside his desk which still gets me sometimes lol

On Tuesday, I saw that our primary election ended that evening so after work, we ran out and voted real quick. Since we always mail in our ballets, I had to get a picture with our "I Voted" stickers. This place was so quick, so I'm hoping we can do early general election voting here - because let's be real, I want that sticker again!

I'm sure most people have seen that FL is getting our first hurricane in 11 years (which I find hard to believe!) but thankfully we shouldn't get it too bad. My sister is in school at FSU and is bracing for impact since it's supposed to go right over them. Thankfully, most of the rain and wind happened at night so I didn't have to drive in it to and from work.

As for our plans this weekend, we're hoping the rain will be gone by this evening so we can go to dinner and a baseball game with our friends. Saturday, my sister is coming down to stay the rest of the weekend with us and I'm so excited! We're hoping to do a big cookout and then maybe go show her the new Disney Springs area on Sunday :) I'm really looking forward to a fun weekend at home since we've been traveling the past 2 weekends and a day off work is the icing on the cake!

I hope everyone who's in the way of Hermine stays safe and isn't affected too much!


  1. I love that chair! It looks perfect in that spot. Also, praying for you guys during this hurricane! Please let us know that you (and your sister) are okay!

  2. I use and have loved their service and quality and prices! the past few times I used walgreens the color was awful and they were cutting half of our heads off at the top. a photographer I recently worked with told me about and I've been sold ever since!

  3. Love that new chair!! Hope you all aren't too affected by the hurricane! We're hoping all the bad weather clears out before our trip down there in a few weeks! I love I voted stickers!

  4. I decided to decorate this weekend and when I told Matthew he was like, "you do know it's going to be in the 90's, right??" LOL oh well decorating for fall in the 90's is okay with me ;) I love that chair!! I think it looks great and complete's your look! The snapchats of your boss figure were cracking me up, too funny!! I hope your sister and y'all are okay with the hurricane moving through, scary! How exciting that your sister is coming to stay the weekend with y'all!! My sisters are too and I am just as excited lol!

    Hope y'all have a great & safe weekend!! :)

  5. That chair is great! In fact, I love the look of your whole living room.

    That printout of your boss is HILARIOUS! So clever.

  6. Haha, the picture with your boss is hilarious. Office pranks are fun. I love the chair and your living room decor. Everything is so cute! We've had rain non-stop since last night but it finally seems to be calming down.

  7. Your living room looks so cozy! That chair fits perfectly.And the shelf above your tv has totally inspired me. I have empty space all around the tv and haven't been sure of how to fill it. Welcome back to 5 on Friday!

  8. The weather here in South Carolina is feels weird to decorate for fall when the temperatures are in the 90s. A lot of people are still wearing t-shirts and jeans on Thanksgiving.
