Monday, August 15, 2016


Honestly, this is going to be a boring weekending post. To sum things up: we spent a lot of time at the house getting things cleaned, watching the Olympics and getting things ready for our CO trip!

Friday, Stephen made the great suggestion to get Chinese take out. So we ate Chinese and cheered for the USA in the Olympics. Sine it was Friday, we decided to stay up late and watch the Olympics but we didn't make it past 10:30... we're so exciting lol

Saturday, I got up and watched some more of the final season of Gossip Girl and ironed. Later that morning, we headed over to a park at the beach for one of Stephen's friends birthday parties. We hung out some and Stephen manned the grill. After everyone ate lunch, we headed out and ran to Old Navy. I desperately needed a new pair of white jeans (mine are from high school and after gaining weight, I definitely have a harder time fitting into them lol) and I know Old Navy does BOGO free jeans every once and a while so I've been holding out for that before buying a pair. I saw the email that BOGO was going on and we had to stop by. I was able to snag a pair of white jeans and a fun pair of regular jeans with some ripping (I sound like an old lady saying that ;)).

While there, I saw this tan jacket and fell in love. I hate buying things full price from Old Navy, but I haven't seen their military jackets go on major sale in the past. I did what I never do - I tried it on "just to see" and loved it. I knew it would be perfect for our CO trip so thankfully, I remembered I had some birthday money from my aunt and was able to get it ;) I cannot wait to wear it on our trip!!

After we got back, Stephen worked on repairing the roof in the garage while I finished up ironing and then did some monogramming. It was so nice outside so after dinner, we went on a quick bike ride. All I have to say is that I cannot wait for fall!! Then we spent the rest of the night watching Olympics and when I say the rest of the night, we passed out at 9:45 on the couch... lol

Sunday was the usual, church, grocery shopping, laundry. I started packing for our CO trip and finally (after months and months) finished Gossip Girl!! It got annoying during the middle seasons but the last 2 were fairly good. I couldn't believe how it ended but I was really happy with the finale. Now I'm supper bummed I'm saying goodbye to the Upper East Side ;)

I hope everyone had a great weekend and I do have to apologize for the lack of pictures in this post.

Linking up with Biana.


  1. Sounds like a productive weekend and I love that jacket! We watched a lot of the Okympics this weekend too as I end up leaving it on in the background while I do basically everything!

    1. It was great!! I feel so accomplished - especially with it being our last weekend before CO ;) Things are going to be so boring once the Olympics are over!

  2. Love that jacket! And yes, we are so old, too, laying on the couch and watching the Olympics! Not sure what I'm going to watch when it's over.

  3. That jacket will be so fun for fall!

  4. Love the jeans & the jacket! We're boring and go to sleep early too ;) Loved the end of Gossip Girl but I was so sad when it was over...

  5. We always say we're going to stay up late on Friday night if we don't have to wake up early Saturday morning, but rarely make it past 10:30 LOL. LOVE the new jacket!!!! I hate buying things full price at Old Navy, too, because I know they will have a sale right after I buy it lol but sometimes you just gotta have it!! Woo hoo for starting to pack for your trip!! I am so excited for y'all!!!! :)

  6. I did a lot of olympic watching this weekend as well!! I'm loving your new jacket - it's going to be so functional!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  7. We are so addicted to olympic watching - it's been such fun! That new jacket was the perfect pickup item!

  8. Love that jacket! I haven't been in Old Navy in a few months but I can't wait for all their fun fall clothes!

  9. That military jacket is so cute!! Most likely they will have a sale on labor day, but who knows swhat will still be in stock by then haha!

  10. Church, shopping, chinese, gossip girl = not boring at all! Haha love it!
