Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy Good Friday!

Happy Easter weekend! I cannot believe April and Easter are here! We are heading down to Okeechobee to spend Easter weekend with Stephen's family. I am so thankful that Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying on a cross for my sins. Praise the Lord that He didn't stay dead and instead, rose from the grave 3 days later so that we can spend eternity with Him in heaven. If you'd like to read the whole Easter story, John 18-20 is a great place to start :) Enjoy spending time with your loved ones this weekend.

Last weekend my mom sent me a fun Easter package filled with candy, a new skirt and a new shirt (it is this print but this cut). It's super comfy and flowy which is super nice when you don't want to have to suck everything in ;) I also love the colors and pattern - it really makes me feel like spring is here. When I first got the shirt, I paired it with skinny jeans and my favorite flats but I dressed it up for work with black pants.

I'm not a big coffee drinker - except when I have a good creamer. I brought home some creamer that was leftover from Camilla's wedding weekend a few weeks ago and decided I needed to try to drink coffee in order to use the creamer. I finally made some to take with me to work one morning - that in itself warranted a picture...

This week, Jessa Duggar's wedding aired on TLC and I had to watch. I just love this show but really haven't been watching too much this season. The wedding was beautiful! I'll definitely be watching more of this season since it looks like they'll be covering the Seawald's honeymoon and Jill's baby journey!

Not sure if anyone noticed, but Wednesday was April Fool's day. I'm not a big pranker - the one thing I did year after year was tape together the water sprayer on the kitchen sink so when my mom would turn the sink on, she'd get sprayed. It worked every year. Something I've seen for a while on Pinterest is to cut a bunch of Nicolas Cage faces out and put them around the house. I decided April Fool's day would be the perfect day to do this - so now there are 15 Nicolas Cage heads throughout our apartment. I just think it's so funny and Stephen got a pretty big kick out of it too.

Just a few places throughout the apartment that I hid Nicolas Cage


  1. Enjoy celebrating and your travels! I love flowy shirts, they are just so comfortable and easy! Ah, I should have tuned in to watch that wedding! I’ll have to check for a repeat!

  2. I am the worst at pranks but I love your idea, I am sure there were many laughs! Xo, Stephanie
